The project is to build an elegant app, Octopus, that makes in-store shopping easier than ever. The app is aiming to help the potential customers find and locate their goods faster and more convenient. Octopus can visualize the area and shelves of goods in the interface of Octopus. Customers do not have to search for the category labels around or ask the staff in store(they are busy!). Instead, customer can find the information of the product, including name, description, photo, quantity left in store and reviews. The Octopus can navigate the customer to the shelf of the good with built-in in-store navigation. Besides, Octopus also provides the function of real time location tracking. The location of each customer can be located and feedback to the system.
Project Documentation: Download
Video demo in library: Click Here
This project has reached its end of life cycle, client app will not be able to reach server any more.